Scheduled BIG Events

December 2024
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About BrainsBrains photo

We created our comic character, Brains, during our efforts to promote intelligence as a goal and help us convey to students how intelligence influences personal choices, peer group choices, and other decisions.  We identified key factors that affect intelligence such as how one's social groups and each group's norm sometimes reward average achievement and the pursuit of goals within a narrow range of possible results.  Therefore, we invented Brains' unique attributes that force him outside of this normalcy range and place him into difficult personal and social struggles as he joins various groups and pursues goals leading to great opportunities that need his talents.  While Brains faces unique conditions, many teenagers face similar challenges and decisions to a lesser degree.


Our Mission

We develop and distribute smart solutions that help students aim for and strive toward high intellectual goals that lead to career opportunities.  Our world's economic growth needs smart people who solve complex problems with expert level knowledge in mathematics, science, languages, history, computers, and other specialties.  If we help a few students shake off negative peer group pressures to underachieve and strive toward some amazing goals, we will succeed.

Our Customers

We deliver our comic merchandise to students, teachers, and parents who want to encourage others and themselves to develop their intelligence.   During the struggle to learn and achieve, students and their teachers can share some laughter during this important journey.

Our Website


Our Company:

Brains In Gear Inc.
Shoreline, Washington, USA
Email:    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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