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Deliver Quality

Students rely on teachers to measure their work quality through grades.  However, we all have the option to score our own work quality.  By scoring our own work, we get the results before anyone else can provide feedback and we save time for ourselves and others.  Delivering quality involves the quality of work as well as the quantity of work.  We also consider the timely delivery of the product or service important to quality.  After all, a product that is delivered after a critical deadline isn't as valuable as one that is delivered on time.

Starting Steps For Delivering Quality

(1) Before we can score work quality, we need to have reviewed good examples of work from other people.  If we are going to review our own work, we have to review work from other people first.  Therefore, we need to study experts in writing, experts in math, and experts in other fields.  This exposure to great examples allows us to measure our work against their work.

(2) After completing work tasks, we can not immediately measure our own work well.  Take a mental break to separate the creative task from the review task.

(3) After a good break, review your work quality.  Is there spelling mistakes or other mental errors that are easily identified?  Fix those first.  Is there quality issues due to knowledge gaps that require research on your part to fix?  Research those issues if you have time, then fix them next.

(4) If there are puzzling problems that you can't solve yourself, ask for help from other people.  These secondary reviewers help you learn new ideas.  While teachers play this role, other adults or older siblings can help too.

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